Blog, Castor oil, Self Heal

How Do They Know???

How do trees know that if they let their leaves fall in autumn, new leaves will appear in spring? How do birds know that if they leave their comfort place and venture away, they will arrive to a more supporting environment for their needs? Not so sure if they actually know, but they do have an admirable trust.

How can they have such an irrational trust that, when they let go of what does not serve them anymore, then they will get the things they need exactly at the right time and place? And how can they do it when everything they let go of is probably all they have on earth?

Would it be possible for us to gain such a trust???

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Picture by Amit Shlagman

Trust is an earned value and is gained when beneficial events repeat and become almost predictable. Being in fight-or-flight mode, we are living in constant state of perceived-war, and we are striving for survival while nothing else matters. In this state of perceived-war, body will not release anything, simply since our body has no idea what will happen next and what it will be needing. Body will hold to everything, even if it is not of service today.
Talking about trust? How can our body trust that every one of its needs will be provided, while still in a state of chaos and has no idea what comes next?

More over, in this perceived-war state, we are not able to notice small shifts in our body, just because we are busy with the important stuff – saving our lives.
And those small shifts – occasional pain here and there, occasional acid reflux, occasional head ache, occasional inflammation, occasional flu, etc.. – they all come with a story. A very unique story that only the owner of the body can understand. But if the owners are busy fighting for their lives, the story will never be heard and probably never be resolved. Unfortunately, the story also will never disappear.

Resolving these unique stories once they are happening, can relief the body from the burden of carrying them around. Shedding these stories may create space for new (maybe better) events.

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Picture by Amit Shlagman

So what brings us to this state of constant perceived-war or fight-or-flight? I suspect that our definitions of some words or actions may have a great affect on our state:

  • When Rest is defined as laziness, we do not appreciate sleep. According to Harvard university, sleep enhances memory, immune system, focus, improves mood and actually provides vitality for us to be productive. We are able to achieve much more of our goals in much shorter time when we are rested, rather than running constantly without stopping.

  • When Nourishment is defined as a sophisticated philosophy, we stay away from foods that became less socially acceptable and eat foods that do not nurture our cells. The word “Food” is not always a synonym to Nourishment. It does not matter how much we eat or how we look, but if our cells are not being nourished, we will always be hungry and always seek for something to eat. How can we nourish our body? By eating real food. Food that was not processed or changed by human hand. Food that existed here for thousands of years, and is not new. Food that your grandparents will recognize when you take them shopping – ask them which foods they ate as kids, and learn from them. These foods probably have been helping them survive the foods they are eating now.

  • When Herbs are defined as weeds that we need to eradicate, we surround ourselves with chemicals that manipulate our nervous system. Any insult to our nervous system puts us in a fight-or-flight mode. Would it be possible that we can use some herbs to calm this response?

  • When Body work and Energy work are defined as luxury, we are staying away from touch and from connection to our own body. I believe that touch is key in the process of healing. Nourishing touch has the power to soften tissue so it can release any memories holding us back.

  • When Movement is defined as time demanding, we tend to use our cars more than our feet. This brings to a disconnect from nature, as we spend more time in-doors or in-cars and not outside. A simple act of walking in nature can be very restorative to our nervous system, respiratory system, digestive system, and circulatory system.

  • When Self Education about our bodies is defined as a burden due to overwhelming assignments we need to accomplish throughout the day, we depend on others’ opinions and suggestions, which may not always be the best for us. Taking the time to be in our body and research about our inward discoveries can lower anxieties and fears from the unknown.


How can we change our definitions? We have to bring our body to a state of peace, a state of deep relaxation. And then, we will be able to perceive reality closer to what it is. How can we do that? There are probably millions of ways to bring the body to it’s deeply relaxed/rest-and-digest /parasympathetic state.

However, as an Earthy Taurus, who cannot handle surprises very well, I will stick to my unsurprisingly answer – Castor oil Packs!!!! Castor packs never fail to bring anyone who uses them to a deep state of relaxation. When we are persistent with our actions, even if it is one action only, our body learns to trust us. Our body learns that we have a new tool of communication, and we will not hesitate to operate it. In time, body will be comfortable enough to inform us with its needs. While establishing this dialogue with our body, we become more attentive and aware of things that may come up:

  • Pains which we never took the time to notice, surf up and remind us to get in touch with forgotten events/stories
  • Memories/traumas/grief, which are still waiting to be processed out of our system, may come up
  • Feelings, which we never thought they existed or we kept disregarding, may be experienced
  • Deep understanding of situations, which we never knew why they happened, and may suddenly become clear
  • Constipation may even happen, as we unconsciously trying to hold on to old matter that is surfing up
  • Rashes that appear from no where, but if we pay attention we can see they are located in areas with issues/stories

All the above were hidden and disregarded for many years, probably. When they surf, the best way to deal with them is to acknowledged their existence and accept them into our lives. In his book, The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck talks about the process of healing which can happen when we are willing to deal with pain – emotional or mental or physical pain. Pain is never easy, and resolving pain may be the hardest mission we would ever encounter. However, once we process it out of our body and resolve issues that we would likely hide, we become free to follow and fulfill our dreams. and then we start living…

And when we start living, we can start letting go of what is not serving us on our journey anymore. We can trust that our needs will be supported at the right time and place, even when what we are letting go of, may be all we have on earth…

Picture by Amit Shlagman

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